Eucharistic adoration is available at Our Lady of Good Counsel's adoration chapel. It is open and accessible to everyone 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
In adoration, Catholics and Christians give praise and worship to God who is in the Holy Eucharist. They can sit, kneel, reflect, talk, and listen to God before the Blessed Sacrament throughout their time in adoration.
Thus, the Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament is a prayer group who schedules regular silent personal time with Jesus in the eucharistic adoration chapel. These parishioners have signed up to pray one hour every week -- a weekly hour of solitude and peace in our often-hectic lives.
Registration and Membership
While everyone interested in adoration and deep prayer is welcome to enter the chapel at any time, we always need volunteers who want to commit to specific periods so that someone can guard the chapel as it is available to all parishioners.
We always need permanently-committed adorers, and our goal is to have at least two people every hour.
Are you the one? Come and adore Jesus, who is truly present in the Holy Eucharist!
To sign up, contact the current adoration leaders:
- Fe Forteza
- Phone: 604-805-3909
- Email: [email protected]
- Jacintha Chiu
- Phone: 778-895-9940
- Email: [email protected]
Coordinators’ meeting is held twice a year or as needed.